5. Blog Advent Calendar: Tell something about who you were a year ago

5 12 2012

A year ago I had only been a mother for 3 months! Motherhood was actually easier than I expected, probably because V was a very easy baby. No colic, he hardly ever cried – well, except for when changing his nappy and giving him a batch, big drama every time! And for his second and third month he would only sleep on top of me, which meant that I didn’t really lie down when sleeping for 2-3 months.

I expected to be a more worried mother but I think that I have been pretty relaxed. It can be confusing when receiving different baby advice from Belgium, Sweden and Spain but I have tried to use comment sense and do whatever felt best for V and us.

A year ago V and I were just returning from our first visit to Sweden and on our way to Spain to visit V’s Spanish family for a whole month. Even though I think that I have been a relaxed new mother, that month in Spain was one of the hardest times in my life because of the cultural clashes between myself and my mother-in-law. I wouldn’t recommend anybody to spend a full month with your [Spanish] mother-in-law when you are full of hormones after just having given birth and while breastfeeding, if you don’t get along really really well with her…
